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Monday, August 1, 2016

Back to School Meal Prep Tips

I heard the other day that Walmart was no longer getting in new product for back to school because for them it is coming to an end, but for me its only beginning.

One of the biggest problems I have when we first go back is getting dinner on the table. I've spent all summer at home able to take the meat out of the freezer at the last minute or run by the store for those missing ingredients. Back to school means exhaustion, hours upon hours prepping my classroom, getting the kids back on a schedule, I do NOT want to think about dinner.  If your like me. you'll want to start implementing these simple meal prep tips.

1) Meal Plan

Grab your cookbooks, Pinterest boards, and family recipes and decide what you are going to make for the week. Some people like to plan two weeks in advance I prefer one, as produce doesn't last 2 weeks and it allows for me to use up all my leftovers before cooking new meals.  I write my full meal plan out. You can do it on paper, your phone, or a meal planner like the one linked below. Save your meal plans for future weeks- come on don't reinvent the wheel each week.

2) Shopping List

Write everything you need down. EVERYTHING. By writing it all down, I avoid those trips after school where you get stuck in the longest lines possible behind the college kid buying 42 instant meals.


When did leftovers get such a bad rap? A good meal often gets better with time. Flavors have blended more together, sauces saturated, and they can be eaten hot or cold as my husband tells me. I typically like leftovers for lunch the next day, but sometimes we have them for dinner. Do not waste time and money cooking a new meal if you have 4 old ones sitting in your refrigerator.  If you don't want them for lunch, then plan an evening when you will eat them, maybe when the kids all have soccer, gymnastics, and piano lessons.

4) Meal Prep

Do you have snack at school? Prep it on the Sunday before school. On Sunday, I prep snacks for my husband and I for the whole week. I store each one in a baggie and then put them in baskets. Each morning it is just grab and go! What could be easier! Breakfast and children's lunch can be done the same way.

5) Make Double Batches

Just like eating leftovers, make double batches of your favorite meals. Many can be frozen cooked or prep all the ingredients split and freeze one set uncooked. These are my favorite when you get home and realize you forgot to take the chicken out of the oven or just can't be bothered to spend the next hour standing at the stove. Hey, we all have those days but this way our family still gets a great meal out of it. Chili is one of my favorites to freeze cooked and Lasagna is my favorite to store uncooked.

6) Keep IT Simple

There is no need to cook a five course meal everyday of the week, unless you want too. When planning keep to simple foods, think crock pot and family favorites. Chicken, vegetables, and a carb is easily a family favorite. Keep snacks and breakfasts simple too. Oh and don't forget to save your meal plans and reuse them in the upcoming weeks! Teachers can think of it as recycling old lesson plans.

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